Search Engine Optimization Tips To Help You Increase Your Website Rankings

December 6, 2019

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One of the major goals of search engine optimization (SEO) is to increase a website’s ranking through various techniques, such as proper keyword and link placements, acceptable by Google and other search engines.

Whether you have a personal or business website, it’s crucial to be visible on the top of search results or the first few pages of search engines to get more people to see your web pages. In this way, you’ll have a broader audience and attain your goals.

Below are some helpful tips to increase your website rankings:

Establish A Sound Website Foundation

A successful SEO campaign starts with a good website structure and reliable information architecture. This way, search engines can easily access your web page to improve your ranking. But, how do you create a sound foundation for your website?

Check out some helpful tips and tricks below:

  • SEO Audit: Perform a regular technical SEO audit by using metric tracking tools, like Google Analytics.
  • Fix Tech Issue: Fix duplicate content because this issue can lead to technical problems. Multiple versions of similar web pages can be resolved by implementing proper redirect rules in your .htaccess file.
  • Optimize Speed: Optimize your website for speed by continuously monitoring site speed, compressing image file size using an image optimizer tool, enabling browser caching, stripping comments, and merging multiple scripts into a single file.
  • Fix Broken Links: Run a crawl on your website using tools, such as W3C Link Checker, so you can easily spot 404 errors and resolve them.

If you need help with the SEO technicalities, better consult an SEO Minneapolis professional.

Amaze Your Audience with Great Content

Quality content plays a vital role in increasing your site ranking because it improves a site’s relevance and authority. When creating a rock star content, it involves keyword research and writing something helpful, relevant, and engaging to your target audience.

Apply SEO by identifying and targeting specific keywords for each of your web pages and think how a reader might search online. Searches could be in question form, such as ‘What is digital marketing?”, or simply related words, like “digital marketing strategies.”

Here are some helpful tips when creating great content:

  • Make a separate web page for every keyword phrase you’re targeting if you want your website to rank for multiple keyword phrases.
  • Use the keyword in your web page URL, title, page headings, and subheadings. Do it naturally for usability, readability, and user-friendly navigation.
  • Repeat keyword phrases multiple times throughout the page. Put one to two keywords in the introduction and conclusion, and two to four times for the rest of the content.
  • Use H1 or bold, italics, heading tags to highlight keywords without overdoing it. Make sure that your content can be read naturally.

Improve User Experience

Improving your site’s navigation improves user experience, and Google will surely appreciate all your efforts. Your visitors would like to leave your site if they cannot find what they’re looking for.

Aside from its impact on your website rankings, improving user experience also decreases your bounce rate and increases the time visitors spend on your website and web pages viewed.

Here are the benefits of improving the user experience:

  • Clear Navigation: Help your visitors easily find what they’re looking for by creating a clear navigational structure. Make a web page less than three clicks away.
  • User-friendly Navigation: It leaves users with positive brand perception and improves site productivity. Ensure that the navigational menu is labeled correctly.
  • CTA: Place call-to-action (CTA) buttons on the right places, like one “above the fold” or the part of your web page that’s visible on the screen when a user loads it.

Link It to Hit SEO

Including inbound and outbound hyperlinks is a great way to increase SEO results. Because backlinking strategies can be complicated, make sure to write content pieces that are worth linking. Don’t forget to add appealing elements, like images, videos, audio, or infographics as necessary.

Here are some linking tips:

  • Internal and External Links: Aside from getting external links or links from other sites, it’s also important to link to your website pages internally. Link one web page to another relevant post or site page to guide readers and add value to their efforts.
  • Attractive Content: Write a web content that attracts editorial content links, like your personal stories and controversial posts, such as sharing your thoughts about latest trends, events, and news, like press releases and news hijacking or taking a news story and discussing it to benefit from it.


You can increase your website ranking by making your website faster, more secure, and more relevant. Create helpful, engaging, and relevant content to catch the attention of online users, and improve user experience by proper menu labeling and placing CTA buttons and links on proper places.

A sound website structure and happy visitors help increase your traffic, conversion, leads, and website rankings for a more successful web presence and attainment of your goals.